How to Watermark Multiple Files at Once

To watermark a photo, PDF, or another document, you can use DocuFreezer. With it, it's possible to add one or several digital watermarks to all files added to the program's List of files, and you don't need to put each watermark separately. You can specify the page or range of pages on which each watermark appears.

How to add a watermark to multiple documents step by step

As of version 3.2 or newer, DocuFreezer features convenient menus for managing watermarks. Different options are available depending on whether you are applying a text or image watermark.

To watermark one or multiple files:

  1. Add all the necessary files to DocuFreezer
  2. Select output format (you can keep it the same if there's no need to change it)
  3. Go to Settings Edit operations
  4. Add either Image watermark or Text watermark (or both) and configure it 
  5. (If you put several overlapping watermarks) Move watermarks up or down in relation to each other to set up their vertical position (Z-order) in the Edit operations top menu
  6. Click OK and click the Start button
Add a watermark to a PDF or another document

What is a watermark?

A watermark is text or an image that appears either in front of or behind existing document content, like a stamp. Adding a watermark to a document or image is a simple way to protect your work and ensure that your ownership is recognized. For example, you can copyright your data from unauthorized use, add a company logo for branding, or apply a "Confidential" watermark to pages with sensitive information. Besides, you can use special macros to add some "dynamic" data to output files, such as current date or original file's name.

Text watermark

In DocuFreezer, you can create your own text watermark and adjust its position on a photo or document pages. 

How to apply a text watermark to multiple files at once
Setting or interface elementFunctionality
Font styleSelect font typeface, size, and attributes like bold, italic, underlined, color
MacroOpen the macro menu. Allows you to use data from source files, such as file name, file creation date, location, and others
Text fieldEnter arbitrary text and/or add macros. The default macro {srcfilepageno} adds source page numbers
AlignmentSet the X- and Y-axis position (Left, Right, Down, Up, Center)
OffsetSet the X and Y offset values as a percentage of the document height/width. You can enter positive or negative values.
RotationSet watermark rotation in degrees
BackgroundSet the background filling color from a preset or with a code
Z-OrderPlace the watermark either in front of or behind the document content by selecting In the foreground or In the background
Page rangeSet specific pages or page ranges where you want to apply the watermark.
Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas counting from the start of the document. For example: 1-5,10,20-25. To define pages from the end of the document, use the syntax "last" (last, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5-last3,last2,last1,last
You may also select odd or even pages only. To do so, use the setting Page range selection: Odd or Even

Description of all macros 

A macro in DocuFreezer is a name given to certain value or expression used to add data from the source file's metadata, such as the filename or file path, file attributes (e.g., creation date and time), or some other information like the computer's or user's name.

The default value for the Text watermark is {srcfilepageno}, which adds the source file's page number. However, you can use other macros and combine them according to your preferences.

You can access all macros through the Macro button or enter them manually. The macro name will turn light green if entered correctly. Note: macro names are not case-sensitive. That means, both {srcfileext} and {SrcFileExt} will work the same way. 

Macro nameMacroDescription
Source file name{srcfilename}File name (without extension).Example: Document_A
Regular expression of source file name {srcfilename("^(\d+)")},
{srcfilename("(\d+)$")}, and more
A regular expression is a built-in macro which uses part of a filename. For example, if your source files have name pattern "[File Name]-[ID Number]", you can use the Take digits from the endmacro to add the ID number
File attributes
Source file date{date}Date of file processing by DocuFreezer 
Source file time{time}Time of file processing by DocuFreezer
Source file author{author}Name of the user who created the file
Source file creator{creator}Software with which the file was created
Source file custom text{customtext}User-specified text which can be associated with any list item using Item settings… (Custom settings column)
Source file extension{srcfileext}File extension.Example: docx
Source file folder{srcfilefolder}Folder path where the file is located. Example: C:\Work\Folder_A\Subolder_A
Source file folder name{srcfilefoldername}File directory name (file location name). Example: Subfolder_A
Source file path{srcfilefullpath}Full path to the source file, including the filename. Example: C:\Work\Folder_A\Subfolder_A\
Source file path, 1-st part{srcfilefullpath(1)}The first part of the file path (not including the drive letter) Example: Work
Source file path, 2-nd part{srcfilefullpath(2)}The second part of the file pathExample: Folder_A
Source file path, 3-rd part{srcfilefullpath(3)}The third part of the file pathExample: Subfolder_A
Source file type{srcfiletype}File type. For example: Microsoft Office Word
Container name{containername}Name of an email message file, an archive (RAR, ZIP, 7ZIP), or a PDF Portfolio file.
Source file pages{srcfilepages}The total number of pages
Source file page number{srcfilepageno}The number of a page that is being processed
User name{user}User account name in Windows
Computer name{computer}Computer name in Windows
Date/Time{date}, {date(dd.MM.yyyy)}, {date(yyyy)}, {date(MM)}, {date(dd)}, and moreSeveral macros that insert date and time (in various formats). They include DateDate (DD.MM.YYYY)YearMonthDayTimeTime (HH:MM:SS)HourMinuteSecondMillisecond
Copies{copies}File's total number of copies
Copy{copy}Current copy number
Item # in list{listitemno}Item's index number (#) in the List of files

Creating and adding a complex watermark with multiple macros

You can include spaces, dots, or any other text before, between, or after the added macros to customize the watermark according to your needs. You may also create a multi-line watermark by pressing Enter. For example:

Adding a complex watermark with several macros

Image watermark

If you want to insert a watermark from an image file (e.g., JPG, PNG, HTML, PDF), you should choose a file, and then customize its size and position. By default, it is added to the right-bottom corner of a page/image.

How to add an image watermark to multiple files at once
Setting or interface elementFunctionality
File selectionBrowse for the file to be used as a watermark. Popular formats, such as JPG, PNG, HTML, PDF are supported
Alignment Set the X- and Y-axis position (Left, Right, Down, Up, Center)
OffsetSet the X and Y offset values as a percentage of the document height/width. You can enter positive or negative values
Rotation Set watermark rotation in degrees
Z-OrderPlace the watermark either in front of or behind the document content by selecting In the foreground or In the background
Set opacitySet the watermark opacity percentage to apply a semi-transparent watermark
Embed imageThis setting saves the file selected as the watermark to the folder where DocuFreezer is installed. Thus, we suggest that you enable this option if you often use the same watermark, for faster processing
Watermark sizeSelect the original size (As is) or set the watermark size as a percentage of the document's page size (Percent of document size)
Page rangeSet specific pages or page ranges where you want to apply the watermark. 
Enter page numbers and/or page ranges separated by commas counting from the start of the document. For example: 1-5,10,20-25. To define pages from the end of the document, use the syntax "last" (last, last1 for the penultimate page, etc.). For example: 1,5-last3,last2,last1,last
You may also select odd or even pages only. To do so, use the setting Page range selection: Odd or Even

Barcode watermark

It is possible to put a watermark in the form of a barcode, such as QR Code or another type of barcode (including EAN, UPC, CODE 128, Data Matrix, and more). Just like with other types of watermarks, you can select the type of barcode and adjust its position along with size, rotation, and other parameters.

Add a QR-code automatically to all document pages

How to add a QR code to multiple files

QR codes have plenty of use. You can add data to your docs like payment information, tracking and ID numbers, product details, pricing, manufacturing dates, contact information — you name it. 

To add a QR code to one or multiple files using DocuFreezer (this feature is available since ver. 5.0), follow these steps:

  1. Launch DocuFreezer on your computer;
  2. Click on the Add files button or drag and drop the files you want to add the QR code to into the List of files section in DocuFreezer;
  3. Open Settings and go to the Edit operations tab;
  4. Click on the Add new button and select Barcode watermark;
  5. Open the dropdown list to configure the watermark;
  6. Select QR CODE next to Type;
  7. Enter text in the Text field. It can be any text or a hyperlink;
  8. Click the Preview icon to generate a QR code. You can check it with your smartphone camera right away;
  9. (Optional) Customize the QR code settings as desired, such as size, position, transparency;
  10. Click OK to save the QR code;
  11. Make sure that new text appears next to the Barcode watermark operation: [QR CODE] ...]
  12. Click OK to save the settings;
  13. Back in the main DocuFreezer window, click on the Start button to begin the conversion process. DocuFreezer will now convert the files and add the QR code as a watermark;

Once the conversion is complete, you can find the converted files with the added QR code in the output location you specified.

How to apply different watermarks to different groups of files in the List

You may want to configure several different watermarks and then apply them to distinct groups of files within the List of files. DocuFreezer allows you to do so. Here's how to do it:

  1. In the DocuFreezer List of files, make the Custom settings column visible. This will allow you to see which settings will be applied to each item in the List. To enable it, right-click anywhere on the white space of the List of files → Show/hide columnsCustom settings;
  2. Add all the necessary files to the List of files;
  3. Create the first watermark. Go to SettingsEdit operationsAdd new and configure the watermark you'd like to apply to the first group of files;
  4. Go to Settings and export the current settings. In the top menu, click on Export and save the .ini file as "DF-settings 01.ini" somewhere on your computer;
  5. Select the first group of files (either by pressing and holding Shift and clicking the first and the last item or by pressing and holding Ctrl and clicking individual items);
  6. Right-click the first group of selected items and select Item settings…
  7. Choose the path to the settings file (.ini) – "DF-settings 01.ini" – and click OK;
  8. Go to Settings again, delete the first watermark and create the second one;
  9. Repeat the steps 3-7 but this time export the settings as "DF-settings 02.ini" and apply Item settings… to the second group of files.

Now the Custom settings column should indicate different settings next to different groups of files and DocuFreezer will apply different watermarks accordingly. Click the Start button to begin processing.

How to apply different watermarks to different groups of files in the List


How to watermark photos?

One of the easiest ways to watermark photos is to do it with DocuFreezer. With it, you can just use your own image watermark that will be put on multiple photos at once.

If you don't want to convert your images to another format when watermarking, you can keep it (as JPG, PNG, or TIFF). For example, if your source files are JPEG, just select JPEG as output format.
How to watermark photos?

What is the best way to watermark a photo?

When adding a graphical watermark, it's a good idea to make it look subtle by lowering its opacity so that it is just barely visible. This will make it look less overwhelming – you want the viewers' attention to focus on the image but not the watermark. Many photographers find that 20-30 percent watermark opacity makes it not too intrusive but still visible. However, it really depends on your approach, and you should see what works best for you.

To make your watermark semi-transparent, find the Set opacity option in DocuFreezer Image watermark settings and change it within range of 0-100%.

Alternatively, you can set the opacity beforehand in another program. Open the file in any image or photo editor such as Inkscape or Photoshop and change its opacity (transparency) value, for example, to 30%.

How to make a watermark semi-transparent

How to put a watermark on a photo without Photoshop?

Don't have Adobe Photoshop? No problem. You can add a watermark or logo to your work without expensive photo-editing software – if you have DocuFreezer. Adding a watermark to a photo can be done the same way as described above.

Should I watermark my photos?

Some photographers use watermarks, some don't. Maybe you want to upload your professional photos to social media, Etsy, Pinterest, or another website and you don't want someone to share your photographs online without due credit. Watermarking can be a quick and easy way to protect your photos or other content. Besides, you can use it for branding or self-promotion, making it easy for viewers to see who took that photo.

How to add a watermark to a PDF?

If you want to watermark a single PDF, use our instruction as described above. You can insert a premade logo (as image) or create a custom text.

How to automatically watermark documents when printing them?

If you want to set up automatic watermarking during batch printing, there's a simple tool to accomplish it. Try doing it with Print Conductor. With it, you can batch print documents, PDFs, or pictures and add text watermarks to them at the same time.

How to add a "Draft" or "Confidential" watermark?

In DocuFreezer, you can create and automatically add a "DRAFT", "DO NOT COPY", "CONFIDENTIAL" or any other text that you may have seen in Word's gallery of pre-configured watermarks. So if you don't have Microsoft Word or another software that can add full-page watermarks to document pages, DocuFreezer can be very handy.

  1. Add all the necessary documents to DocuFreezer
  2. Go to Settings Edit operations
  3. Click Add new and choose Text watermark
  4. Type "DRAFT" or other desired text
  5. Use the configuration that you can see below:
How to add "Draft" or "Confidential" watermark
  • Font: Arial, semibold
  • Font size: 28
  • Font color: Light-gray (#ffc0c0c0)
  • Alignment: Center; Center
  • Rotation: -45
  • Background: Transparent (#00ffffff).
  • Z-Order: In the background (so that the watermark appears behind the text)

Below is an example output PDF document created with these settings:

How to add DRAFT watermark to all pages

The trial version of DocuFreezer is available for free download. You can download the latest version and try watermarking your docs, scans, or photos with it by yourself.

Download DocuFreezer